The Idea

Covideo is a neural network that aims to satisfy today’s urgent need for mass behavioral monitoring. Our product can be highly beneficial in the Covid-19 pandemic scenario, providing useful and versatile tools that allow organizations and private people to monitor clients or visitors.

The idea 2

We developed a desktop application that is only one of many possible implementations of Covideo (shown in the picture above): the neural network receives live footage from CCTV or webcam in order to detect and classify faces; in the meantime, a tracking algorithm assigns them an ID in order to provide reliable cumulative counts of the people that have or have not worn a face mask.
We thought such a software could help retrieve useful statistics on the number of people who take the necessary health precautions, since wearing a face mask in public places has become the law in some countries of the world.

This is not all, though: Covideo can be used in lots of diverse contexts, some of which will be discussed at the end of this document.
We would like to make the project easily reproducible, guiding the reader through the steps that brought it to life and paving the way for new ideas. We think a project is most useful when it is shared: the world will become a better place only if we all work together.
You just need a computer with Windows 10, an internet connection and a lot of grit.

The idea 3

About Us

COVIDEO Team is composed of three friends

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Luca Boretto

Biomedical Engineer passionate in artificial intelligence.

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Antonio Panfili

Computer Science student at Ca' Foscari University of Venice.

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Stefano Tata

Computer Engineer specialized in Data Science and Automation.

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